- Shu Swap -

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1950 Keene Rd. Bldg. H
Richland, WA, 99352
United States


We are a nation of women of all ages, and from all walks of life. We desire to make the world a kinder place for women by developing and promoting the strength and beauty within and around us, and by creating a culture of sisterhood that supports us in this endeavor. We accomplish this through: partnering with other like-minded organizations and empowering females with education, mentoring, and inspiration to live their best lives.

- Shu Swap -


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- Shu Swap -

  • George Fox Unviersity 418 North Meridian Street Newberg, OR, 97132 United States (map)

A couple of our ambassadors and our social media director, who all attend George Fox University, decided they wanted to do an event promoting NuShu Sister on their campus. So they came up with the idea of doing a campus wide "Shu" (shoe) Swap, where girls could come swap their old shoes with other girls for free & then all the extras would go to girl in need over in Thiland. Theis event got the word out about what NuShu Sisters is and also helped our sisters half way across the globe. Way to go girls!!