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1950 Keene Rd. Bldg. H
Richland, WA, 99352
United States


We are a nation of women of all ages, and from all walks of life. We desire to make the world a kinder place for women by developing and promoting the strength and beauty within and around us, and by creating a culture of sisterhood that supports us in this endeavor. We accomplish this through: partnering with other like-minded organizations and empowering females with education, mentoring, and inspiration to live their best lives.





Hannah Saldin

Okay ladies, we can't just pass this by and not say something about it!

As some of you may have heard, Colbie Caillat has released a new music video that has the same heartbeat of NuShu Sisters.

In her new music video, "Try", she portrays how women are constantly being told what to do, how to act, what to wear, etc. She is shedding the skin of society's demands and is simply radiating beauty by being herself. The video shows women of all ages and ethnicities trying to mask their beauty by putting tons of makeup on, maxing out credit cards, and keeping up with trends all so that people will accept them. We love how Caillat portrays various women, including herself, to send the message that women are beautiful just the way they are...

" don't have to try so hard..."

" don't have to change a single thing..."

Not only is Colbie Caillat down right GORG, she shows true strength and beauty like a NuShu Sister would by using her gifts and strengths to uplift women, and put an end to who society says girls need to be or how they need to look. In a recent interview published by Elle Magazine, Caillat admits,

"I didn’t prep or starve myself and over-exercise. And then I didn’t get my nails done, I didn’t get my hair done. I didn’t get a facial. I didn’t have a stylist."

NuShu Sisters applauds and admires Colbie Caillat in unlocking her strength and beauty, and attempting to do the same for other women as well!

Watch the music video below and feel free to comment your thoughts in the space below!

Be beautiful; Be you! 

Download this song: or stream it: Taken from the new album GYPSY HEART.