Give the Gift of L O V E.
Jake Dean-Hill
Happy Holidays Lovelies!
Give the gift of love this year. Learn how to live in love by speaking the truth about who you are, instead of what you fear yourself to be. A book that has had a profound impact on me in teaching me how to love better is "The Love Code: The Secret Principle to Achieving Success in Life, Love, and Happiness" by Alexander Loyd.
Here's part of my daily meditation he provides in his book that helps me stay centered:
Re-programming statements
"The Love Code" pg 145
1. I desire and pray/ ask to believe the whole truth and only the truth about who and what I am, and who and what I’m not.
2. I desire and pray/ ask to act on and believe the whole truth and only the truth about my current circumstances, not lies based on internal untruths in my programming.
3. I desire and pray/ ask to believe the whole truth and only the truth in my heart, soul, spirit, and mind, and no longer believe anything that is untrue.
4. I desire and pray/ ask to give up the pain/ pleasure way of looking at my life in order to live in integrity and have the best life for me.
5. I desire and pray/ ask to think, feel, believe, act, and do everything in love, not fear—in my heart, spirit, soul, mind, and body.
6. I desire and pray/ ask to give up the fear, falsehood, and rejection regarding my security, acceptance, and safety, so that I can have security, acceptance, and safety.
7. I desire and pray/ ask to give up insignificance, un-forgiveness, judgment, false identity, and false self-worth so that I can have significance, forgiveness, non-judgment, true identity, and true self-worth.
8. I desire and pray/ ask to give up the wrong beliefs of superiority and inferiority about who and what I am, in order to experience the truth about who I really am, which is fantastic, but no better or worse than anyone else.
9. I desire and pray/ ask to give up unhealthy control designed to ensure a certain end result so that I will have faith, trust, hope, and belief and therefore have the best results in my life.
10. I desire and pray/ ask to give up reacting out of pain and pleasure and respond in truth and love.
11. I desire and pray/ ask to live in the present moment in love regardless of the results.
12. I desire and pray/ ask to give up achieving success, happiness, and health so that I can be successful, happy, and healthy.
Have a merry Christmas & a happy new year and keep up the lovin'!
Cheering you on,
Dr. Jenn